WICON2022 Speaker Bio



Blossom Johnston

Founding Director Idaho Partners for Good

Idaho Partners for Good is a grassroots movement designed for greater community impact through nurturing nonprofit well-being. Blossom worked for Governors Governors Risch & Kempthorne on family and children’s issues, directed the Governor’s Council for Families and Children, Generation of the Child initiatives, and headed up the early childhood systems plan. While there, she served as Idahoʻs liaison to President George Bush’s Office of Community and Faith-Based Initiatives.

At the J.A. Kathryn Albertson Foundation Blossom developed nationally recognized initiatives including Khan Academy Idaho, Rural Opportunities Consortium of Idaho, Bluum, Go On Idaho, and The Ed Sessions. She also started Mission43, using human-centered design to identify pathways for active military transitioning to civilian life.

Blossom has worked with 1000+ nonprofits in 44 counties. Oh yeah, sheʻs a Boise State University Alum. Blossom is the wife of a local from Wendell, ID, a mother of 3, tutu of 4, sister of 10, daughter of an Irish Catholic and native Hawaiʻian.